My Sweet Setup: NetNewsWire and Feedbin
When you look at NetNewsWire you can just tell it’s a Mac app through and through. At first it might feel a little spartan, but it is nonetheless quite full-featured as a reader. But once you get to know it, it’s quintessentially a Mac app. It uses a beautiful and standard Mac interface. And it…
My Sweet Setup: RSS
Being an RSS user is probably one of my most unconventional and nerdy habits, but they’re such a better way to experience the internet I feel I must evangelize them. I could write paragraphs of text, but inspired by a recent talk I saw at RailsConf, I’d like to show you instead in a more……
My Sweet Setup: Displays
I know what you’re thinking here: “Aaron, if you went whole hog on the tower, why didn’t you complete the set by buying the XDR displays to go with it?” And I am not going to lie, I was severely tempted to get one or two of these, for a wallet-busting five grand apiece. But…
My Sweet Setup: Drafts
I didn’t realize there was a place in my life for an app like Drafts until after I learned of its existence. And while I’ve mostly focused on why I love the things in this series of posts, I think for Drafts I need to explain its whole deal. Drafts started off as an iOS…
Thoughts From Today’s Apple Event
Apple’s pre-recorded presentations have gotten so tight it’s kind of wild to think of the number of things that got announced in just an hour. Apple Card Announcements This was a nice little surprise. I still think there’s some bullshit in the recent news that cleared the Apple Card of sexist behavior (when the rules…
My Sweet Setup: Bose QC35 Headphones
I got my Bose QC35s thanks to a cranky tweet to Bose at a really opportune moment, I happened to get the Bose QC35s for free from them back in 2016: I still have these headphones today, and aside from some replaced earcups, they still work perfectly. AirPods are a popular choice of wireless headphone…
My Sweet Setup: Dropbox
I’ve used Dropbox since its beta days in 2008. As soon as I saw that it magically offered the ability for me to have a folder that would be magically in sync on all of my computers, no matter what, I wanted it. In the early days of Dropbox, the only way you could get…
My Sweet Setup: OmniFocus
The largest benefit to using a to-do/task manager like OmniFocus isn’t the satisfaction of staying on top of tasks, or even the reward of getting those tasks done. It’s the feeling of relief you get to feel when you know you have a lot of tasks on your mind, and you dump all of those…
My Sweet Setup: MindNode
It’s a niche use case but when I need it, nothing is better than a mind map, and MindNode is a fantastic tool for building them. If you’ve never used mind maps before, I highly recommend them. At their core they’re just an outline, but they’re presented on an infinite canvas. When presented like this,…
My Sweet Setup: CleanShot X
When macOS Mojave introduced an overhaul to their screenshots feature to make it similar to how iOS does screenshots, I was really excited initially and pretty quickly gave up on it; it’s weird to use and doesn’t really support drag and drop. Last year I stumbled across CleanShot X, which is like if Skitch and…