Twitter: Now what?
Apparently Elon Musk officially owns Twitter now. Twitter’s easily my favorite social network. It’s always fit in with how my mind works (at least when I use it with clients like Tweetbot). I’ve often found community on Twitter, and Twitter is influential and consequential. Revolutions have taken place because of Twitter. Before news is news,…
Keeping My Twitter Receipts in DEVONthink
Previously, I discussed a custom-built app I made called Receipts, which can convert tweets into Markdown files for me to archive and catalog. Now let’s talk about how I use DEVONthink to actually catalog them! These Markdown files are just files sitting in folders on my Mac (the folders aren’t organized by anything in particular…
Keeping the Receipts on Twitter
For years I had this frequent frustration where I wanted to reference a tweet, but then after the fact I couldn’t find it to save my life. To try to make this easier on future me, I started getting in the habit of favoriting every tweet that I remotely thought was interesting. This was nice,…
MagSafe is a Seriously Underrated iPhone Feature
Full disclosure: I’m an absolute sucker for products with robust accessory ecosystems baked into their design (have you seen my Apple Watch band collection?), and so of course I’m going to like this. Fun fact: if you’ve got an iPhone 12 or later, it’s got MagSafe. Maybe you didn’t even know your iPhone had it.…
Thoughts on the Supreme Court and US politics lately
It’s been silent on icanthascheezburger for awhile now, but after this week it feels necessary to speak a little bit about the state of political affairs in the US, because they are troubling. Naturally, a series of SCOTUS decisions are at the top of my mind, and this week’s decisions were especially sad to hear,…
Back to the Mac
Five years ago, Apple did something incredibly out of character: it invited a bunch of tech journalists to a round table discussion, admitted to making some serious mistakes, and pre-announced upcoming products. It was a somewhat bleak time to be a Mac user. While the iPhone was getting yearly improvements, Mac design decisions felt deeply…
Thoughts on Yesterday’s Apple Event
Apple announced a handful of new products at today’s event, including a revamped iPad Air, a revamped iPhone SE, and a brand new Mac called the Mac Studio, along with a companion Studio Display. All of these products are great, but the Mac lineup so far is left with these super strange gaps now. Apple’s…
Spotify’s Joe Rogan controversy and things more important than that
I see a lot of takes on Twitter along the lines of “while you were going on about Joe Rogan and Spotify, happened.” But the thing about Spotify is that they are a pretty replaceable service. It’s easy for us to stop giving Spotify money if we decide we don’t like that Spotify is giving…
Modern Retro Gaming
During the pandemic, I got a package from a Kickstarter I backed. It was a new video game made by an indie artist called Trophy. I held onto it, waiting to unbox it until after vaccines were widely available and I could go play it with a friend of mine. The twist? This was a…
This is longer than a tweet would be so instead of making a Twitter thread that’s super annoying that you have to scroll through, I’ll make an actual blog post like a gentleman. I have a free idea for Apple: SwiftScript. It’s the successor to AppleScript. It doesn’t replace Shortcuts, but it’s what you graduate…