Vision PrOMO
Because I contain multitudes, I am both kind of bearish on the Vision Pro’s likelihood to really get traction as a product, but I did get up around 4:30am this morning (edit: yesterday morning; I was tired last night and didn’t get to posting this) and manage to order one despite being in the midst…
A Tale Of Two AI Gadgets
On the face of it, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Rabbit’s R1 device is quite different from Humane’s AI pin. They got presented in considerably different ways, and Rabbit got a considerably more positive reaction, being possibly the most interesting thing announced at CES. Both companies presented their products pretty differently. Humane spent years…
Up And To The Right
We’re addicted to perpetual growth, and the addiction is quite literally destroying the world. I constantly see the folly of the forever growth mentality in tech. Investors kept hyping up Netflix throughout the 2010s as they kept growing at an unsustainable pace, then they put on their surprised Pikachu faces and panicked when the growth…
Quick Meta Updates
Just a couple of things you may have noticed: I switched to a different theme that I thought looked kind of fun. Some day I might actually take on making a custom theme for myself, but this one was an off the shelf one made by Automattic. I added dark mode support as well (finding…
What I’m Expecting From Vision Pro
Vision Pro is coming soon; perhaps even in the next month or so! The months between January and June 2007 were absolutely loaded with excitement and anticipation for the iPhone, and every excuse a tech blogger got to mention it in the title of a post, they did because it would reliably get clicks. The…
A Year of Retro Games
At the end of last year I was reflecting on people I was thankful for in my life, and one of the people I reached out to was my buddy Scott, a fellow enthusiast of retro games. I told him that I wanted to double down on joy in 2023, and that included more time…
Mastodon Doesn’t Need Fucking Algorithmic Timelines
First off, for the hopeless pedantics among you, let’s get this out of the way: yes, I am aware of the definition of “algorithm,” and I realize that literally any arrangement of feed items into a feed is algorithmic, even a chronological feed. But “algorithmic feeds” has a clear colloquial meaning here and I will…
The Bubble Wars
There’s been an increasing tension around the exclusivity of Apple’s iMessage product, and it feels like that tension has hit a peak over the last month or so. Here’s a handful of the iMessage related events in recent history: Automattic (the WordPress people) acquired the Texts app, a universal messaging app with support for, among…
The “That’s How Apple Does Things” Tautology
Earlier this year I was on Mastodon, opining casually on Apple being so tight-lipped about their strategy with their highest-end pro Macs, and suggesting that Apple just speak openly about the long term plans because there isn’t really much of an Osbourne effect to be concerned with, and it will help pros trying to make…
Meta Update
2023 was a relatively quiet year for icanthascheezburger. It wasn’t a quiet year for me, though. I spent much of the year adjusting to the new reality that the most important person in my life decided to pursue another relationship and moved out. I had experienced a previous loss in momentum back in 2021 when…