Quit calling it hacking
The term “hacking” is for sure one of the more misunderstood terms in internet parlance. It seems as of late a lot of people think of it as someone breaking into a system or someone’s account in a system, regardless of whether it was a password guess or if it actually involved breaking the system’s…
On the absurdity of the Chick-Fil-A controversy
Wayne Self, on his blog: If we agree to disagree on this issue, you walk away a full member of this society and I don’t. When I see you eating at Chick-Fil-A when you know that CFA gives money to organizations trying to subvert gay rights, it’s disappointing. It means that at some point in…
Apple gets a little pithy in court
Scott Forstall testified in court recently. Asked if he told anyone at Apple to copy Samsung’s designs, Forstall replied, “I never directed anyone to go and copy something from Samsung. We wanted to build something great. There was no reason to look at anything they had done.” Ouch.
The TouchFire: finally, touch typing on iPad!
Users of the iPad generally are in love with their devices but for many there has always remained the annoyance of difficulty inputting text on the keyboard. I have managed to do pretty well with the landscape orientation keyboard but I do often find my fingers drifting off away from where they should be. Sure,…
The Joys Of Vidcon
The de facto conference for all things YouTube had its third annual conference this year, and now that I work for a company that is YouTube based, I finally had a legitimate excuse to go. Now, I’ve been to a few conferences in my day, but this one was just a little bit different. It…
Apple and upgradability/repairability
Every time Apple releases new hardware, iFixit is at the ready with their famous tear downs and as of late, their repairability scores. Generally I am skeptical of companies that issue press releases giving Apple a bad score about something because I think they’re doing it for attention (looking at you, Greenpeace). iFixit might be…
Cutting the cord: a how-to for media companies (warning: I swear a lot)
Media companies have been in a frenzy trying to figure out how they’re going to make money in the age of this newfangled “internet” thing that’s been around for the past couple of decades. Â I’m a pretty benevolent guy, so I’m going to just lay it all down here for media companies to copy down.…
MongoDB: a love story
I’ll just say it right up front: NoSQL is a bit of a fad. As much as developers don’t like to consider themselves victims of fashion trends, there is this unwritten desire to be working in the vogue languages and technologies, and it’s not at all uncommon for a developer working in these technologies to…
Getting things done paperless with @OmniFocus
Now I’m no Merlin Mann in terms of my expertise in productivity but being a double major in college and working a number of busy jobs will make you better at managing your time and tasks if you’re going to succeed at it. When I was younger and in school, it was enough for me to just…
The Instapaper Circlejerk
A lot of the people I follow and respect in the Apple tech circles (Gruber, Dan Benjamin, Siracusa, Matt Gemmell, etc.) are very much enamored with the Instapaper app (an application which allows you to save articles for reading later in an app that beautifully cleans up these articles for reading). Instapaper is always getting…