It was a Friday
It was a Friday, and I was in second grade. I got up that morning eighteen years ago, had breakfast, and my brother and I went to catch the bus. It’s interesting how many school days I’ve been through and I don’t remember what went on in many of them, but I remember that on…
Nailing the interview
Since my post on making a great resume was so incredibly well received on Reddit, I don’t want to leave you hanging now that that kick ass resume got you an interview. Bottom line: the best interview is going to flow a lot like a conversation between new friends. Mixed in with this conversation will…
Making a good engineer résumé
I routinely review résumés for engineering candidates and I wanted to share some practical tips that are guaranteed to help get you an interview in the instance of at least one person who might be reviewing it. First and foremost, proofread the living shit out of your resume. You probably rolled your eyes at the English…
My favorite things Issue 1: Backnobber II a.k.a. the Forever Alone Massager
I love things, especially things that are well made. In fact, I love things so much, I decided to start a new series right here on icanthascheezburger just to tell you about a few of these things. I don’t get any kickbacks from any of the things I recommend (check the links for affiliate codes;…
So you want to make excellent popcorn
I’m really not sure how people who microwave a bag of popcorn seeds mixed with some butter-resembling ooze can live with themselves. Of course, who am I to judge you for having such low standards? There is a better way, and it’s more within reach than you think. You just need a few things. The…
How to make real movie theater style popcorn
I am known around these parts as a popcorn expert, and I can make popcorn taste like it came from pretty much anywhere. The movie theater style of popcorn is thought of as the gold standard for what to make your popcorn aspire to be. That’s why so many microwave popcorn boxes claim to be…
iPhone 5: the icanthascheezburger review
First off, if you want a full on great description of the phone and details of its feel, read Gruber’s review on Daring Fireball first. It’s a great review, and I’m going to avoid repeating much of what he went into detail about and focus on the impressions I had. Anybody who tells you that…
Thoughts on the Apple v. Samsung verdict
There have been a lot of mixed opinions on the interwebs about the outcome of the Apple/Samsung trial. While many see it as a great win for originality and inventing your own stuff, others see it instead as an affirmation of a broken patent system. Looking at the facts and with my understanding of patent…
Quit calling it hacking
The term “hacking” is for sure one of the more misunderstood terms in internet parlance. It seems as of late a lot of people think of it as someone breaking into a system or someone’s account in a system, regardless of whether it was a password guess or if it actually involved breaking the system’s…
On the absurdity of the Chick-Fil-A controversy
Wayne Self, on his blog: If we agree to disagree on this issue, you walk away a full member of this society and I don’t. When I see you eating at Chick-Fil-A when you know that CFA gives money to organizations trying to subvert gay rights, it’s disappointing. It means that at some point in…