Meta update

Since the summer time I’ve been a little up and down in terms of posting frequency. It seems like I do tend to post in bursts, sometimes having a streak of several days, only for this blog to go quiet.

I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing; I don’t think anyone actually is manually visiting the site to check for new stuff; if you’re interested, you’re subscribed somehow.

I write when I feel like I’ve got something to say, and I’ll usually queue it up to avoid clusters of posts.

I’ve had a bunch of Apple-centric posts lately, and that’s not even counting a handful I left as drafts. The company is huge; I could make entire blogs covering just specific topics of theirs. Plus, I’ve followed Apple for years, so I have a lot of context which allows me to make connections.

But this isn’t an Apple blog; it’s a blog about stuff I want to talk about, and I think Apple’s overrepresented here.

I continue to aim to have 100 posts by the end of this year. Some topics I want to explore:

  • How I got into urban planning YouTube and how cool that is
  • The radical utopian kinds of thinking I want to see in society
  • More on fasting mimicking diets (I’m starting to do them every month or so now)
  • Cooking (I’m gonna do the anti-recipe blog posts where I just tell the story but never actually get to the recipe, but I will work that much harder to make the writing entertaining)
  • Probably more Apple shit
  • The future of office work (particularly, remote work)
  • Good work culture (specifically for teams that are making software)

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